Discrimination Based on Age May Prompt Lawsuit

With the baby-boomer general aging, there are currently many older people in the workforce. Despite the years of experience these individuals bring to their jobs, and the practice being illegal, some of these individuals face workplace discrimination based on their age. The discrimination could take many forms including the failure to:

  • Hire
  • Promote
  • Properly compensate

The termination of employment might also be construed as age discrimination. Individuals who believe they are the victim of discrimination based on their age can take legal action.

A Pennsylvania woman, who worked a counseling services job, recently did this very thing. According to the woman, despite being well qualified and being an outstanding performer, she was fired from her job as director of psychological health after more than a year and a half, without cause. At the time she was 60 years old.

In her lawsuit, she claims that her former employer hired mental health professionals who were younger and less qualified than she was. She also alleges that despite being told she was a candidate for hire with the Air Force after she lost her job she was not hired because of her age. In her previous job, she counseled a member of the Air Force.

As a result of these actions, the woman seeks a variety of things including compensation for lost fringe benefits, front pay, back pay, attorney fees, and court costs.

People who believe that they are the victim of any type of workplace discrimination should take steps to protect their rights. For most, the first step in doing so is consulting with an employment lawyer.

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